Friday, March 25, 2011


Meaning: Person sharing the commentary box with you.
Pronunciation: Cum-enter-ade
Usage: Sunil Gavaskar and Geoff Boycott were once commentrades.
Root: Commentator + Comrade


Meaning: A colleague. One who works with you. Your fellow wage earner
Pronunciation: As is.
Usage: "I thought I saw my Kaamrade Vignesh in a cinema"
Root: Kaam (Hindi for work) + Comrade

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Meaning: One who lies for the kick of it.
Pronunciation: Gup-sa-may-nee-yak.
Usage: Gapsamaniacs have no ulterior motive. They just lie because they are great story tellers.
Root: Gapsa (tamil slang for lie) + Maniac (one who craves for).

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Meaning: An Earth Reactor with the ability to harness energy generated during an earth quake into potential energy for powering cities.
Pronunciation: kwake-vurt-ter.
Usage: An earth quake releases a mindboggling amount of energy in an instant. The quakeverter's challenge is to capture this energy and to release it in spurts for future use of mankind.
Root: Quake + Inverter (a device that inverts energy).

Tuesday, March 08, 2011


Meaning: Round the wicket.
Pronunciation: Sir-come-stump.
Usage: Malcolm Marshall was lethal whenever he decided to circumstump.
Root: Circum (around) + Stump (wickets in cricket).


Meaning: Specks of flying spit.
Pronunciation: Spit-yools.
Usage: The mouthing of bilabial consonants is the engine for the flight of the hapless spitules.
Root: Self explanatory.

Saturday, March 05, 2011


Meaning: A highly-infectious social-networking disease.
Symptoms: An overwhelming sensation of worthlessness, a constant desire to assert yourself, incessant retweeting.
Pronunciation: In-flew-ensaa
Usage: I sneeze every time I log on to Facebook. I must have caught the influenca bug.
Root: Influenze + Influence

Wednesday, March 02, 2011


Meaning: A crappy debate.
Pronunciation: Pot-tea-mun-rum.
Usage: The Indian parliament has been reduced to a slanging house that conducts pottymandrams.
Root: Potty (slang for trivial) + Pattimandram (tamil for debate)


Meaning: Mercenary.
Pronunication: Money-dhan.
Usage: Imagine a wealthless world full of moneythans. That's the future of planet earth.
Root: Money + Manithan (tamil for man).